hi everyone, this week is a sad week for all of us at YMM. This morning, Bro Lam announced that Ps Aw will be leaving us by end of Dec. We are so sad that he is leaving YMM. My Pastor which has touched many of us during his 7 yrs in YMM. I could still remember strongly in my heart that he came to my house to see me with Paster Tim on 18th Sep 03 (3 weeks after I was born). He did the baby dedication on 25th Dec 03 as well. I still remember those words " look at Jo-shin, he is smiling, don't you think all these babies are very cute."
Below are the words from Ps Aw,
"hi brothers & sisters in YMM,
I guess the time to say goodbye has come. Sooner than I thought I would but all in His good time. I have, since Jun 03, given much thought and prayer to how the Lord would want to lead YMM and myself from where we are. This conversation continued over these 2 yrs and my application to the Chinese Annual Conf of the Methodist Church for a 2 yrs leave was a direct result from this God-man dialogue. For the next 2 yrs, 06-07 at least, I would be moving into a market-based ministry. I believe in the end time, this is one key direction the HS is moving us into. In Zep 3:9-10, " For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve Him with 1 consent. From beyond the rivers of Ethopia My suppliants, even the daughters of My dispersed, shall bring Mine offering."
The marketplace ministry is one of gathering. I believe God has strategically wanting many of us to stand in the gap bet the mktplace & the church to see that this gathering and regathering takes place. I simply obey & take a step of faith.
I want to thank you brothers & sisters for being friends & family to me over these 7 yrs. I have become a better paster because of yr support, a better preacher because of yr feedback, a better Christian as you walk with me, a better friend because you love me, and a better man because you lift me up in your prayers and encouragment. YMM has been a great church to pastor. My prayer is that you make it even better for the new pastor.
I do know that this announcement came as a shock to many of you (my last day is 31st Dec) for just a few months ago we spoke
of so much more to dream, plan & work forward to. A man plans his path, but the Lord directs his ways. I needed to make this difficult decision amidst needful changes.
And I believe they are for the betterment of ministry in YMM and the mission of God as a whole. So do keep the dreams alive. work the plans till they reap u the harvest. Trust Him & leap in faith & joy with the Almighty whose grace knows no bounds. I'm with u still, for 'a friend is a friend forever, if the Lord is the Lord of them...' Thank you.
With Love, your friend always,
Gordon Aw"
"Never forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours." ---Ludwig Van Beethoven
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.